Cervical Cancer

In developed countries like India, cervical cancer is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths. It is also the world’s third most prevalent cancer in women. Cervical cancer kills one woman every eight minutes in India, according to estimates. Cervical cancer is most prevalent in places where routine screening and vaccine programs are not in place.


Unfortunately, the signs of cervical cancer are not visible at an early stage, which is why the majority of females who contract cervical cancer are diagnosed later, making treatment very difficult. However, if you are experiencing any of the following signs, you can consult Dr. Sonali Gupta for Cervical Cancer Vaccination.

cervical cancer
  • Excessive bleeding during cycles
  • Between-period spotting
  • Menopausal bleeding 
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Lower abdominal discomfort 
  • Painful sexual intercourse 
  • Vaginal bleeding following sexual intercourse

While the appearance of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate that you have cervical cancer, they may be cause for concern and prompt you to seek the advice of a qualified gynecologist.


According to Dr. Sonali Gupta, the Best Gynaecologist in Greater Noida at The Bliss Care IVF & Gyne Clinic. It is important to remember that vaccination will not help females who have already been infected with the disease, but it will deter new infections. It’s important to remember that cervical cancer can be avoided by getting vaccinated. As a precaution, three doses of the vaccine are needed. Pregnant mothers and people who are seriously or extremely ill are not advised to have the HPV vaccine. If you have any serious reactions, such as a yeast or latex allergy, tell your doctor. You shouldn’t have the vaccine if you’ve had a life-threatening allergic reaction to some part of the vaccine or a prior dose of the vaccine.